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Best before date (BBD)

With dietary supplements, it is important to note the best-before date (BBD) on the packaging. However, many people mistakenly believe that the best-before date means the product is no longer safe or effective after this date. In this article, we explain what the BBD really means and whether you can still take supplements after the BBD has expired.


What does the best before date (BBD) mean?

The best-before date (BBD) indicates up to which point in time a food supplement will retain its specific properties, such as e.g. B. the nutrient content, guaranteed. However, it is important to know that the BBD is not an expiration date. Unlike perishable foods, where best-before dates ensure safety, many dietary supplements can still be safe and effective past the best-before date.


How long can dietary supplements be kept after the best-before date?

According to the consumer center (1), the BBD of food supplements is not the same as the expiry date of food. The BBD only states the date up to which the manufacturer guarantees that the product will have its specific properties, such as e.g. B. the nutrient composition retains. It does not necessarily mean that the dietary supplement is inedible or unhealthy after the best-before date. As a rule, higher quality and purity standards are observed in the production of dietary supplements than in the case of conventional foods. Therefore, dietary supplements often have a longer shelf life than the BBD indicates.

The shelf life of food supplements after the best before date depends on various factors, e.g. B. the type of dietary supplement, storage and packaging. Some supplements like vitamin C or magnesium tend to have a longer shelf life than others like omega-3 fatty acids or probiotics. However, if the supplement looks, smells, or tastes abnormal after the best-before date, you should discard it.


How can I check the quality of a dietary supplement?

To ensure that your dietary supplement is still effective and safe after the expiration date, you should carry out a few checks. Check the packaging for mold, moisture or other damage. Also check the smell and taste of the product to make sure it hasn't gone rancid or gone bad.


Can I still use dietary supplements after the best before date has passed?

Yes, many dietary supplements can still be safe and effective past their sell-by date.

The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) (2) confirms this and advises consumers to first use their senses for food supplements after the best-before date has expired. A visual and olfactory test can often be used to quickly decide whether the dietary supplement can still be used. Even if the appearance and smell are still okay, the BVL recommends being cautious and carefully dosing and testing the dietary supplement to ensure that no negative effects occur. However, if the dietary supplement has already gone bad before the expiry date or if the smell or appearance has changed, it should no longer be taken under any circumstances.

Please note that our lipsomally processed products should no longer be consumed after the best-before date.



The best-before date of dietary supplements only indicates up to which date the manufacturer guarantees that the product will retain its specific properties. Some dietary supplements often have a longer shelf life than the BBD indicates. After the best-before date, consumers should use their senses to carefully measure and test the dietary supplement to ensure it is still edible. However, if the food supplement has spoiled before the expiration date or if its smell or appearance has changed, it should no longer be consumed.



  1. Consumer advice centre: holdability date-mhd-ist-nicht-gleich-verbrauchdatum-13452
  2. BVL: