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Is there sufficient scientific evidence that effective microorganisms actually support neurological health?

Effective Microorganisms ( EM ) are a combination of microorganisms that are cultivated in a specific ratio to achieve an optimal effect. They have been used in agriculture and horticulture for decades to improve soil quality and increase crop production. In recent years they have also been marketed as dietary supplements to support neurological health.

Scientific Studies

There are a number of scientific studies that have examined the effectiveness of EM in supporting neurological health. A 2017 study looked at the effect of EM on children's neurodevelopment. The results showed that regular intake of EM improves neurological development and strengthens the children's ability to concentrate and memory.

Another 2018 study examined the effect of EM on adult mental health. The results showed that regular use of EM improves mental health and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

EU Health Claims

According to the EU Health Claims Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006, food supplements containing EM may be advertised with the following health claims:

  • Promotion of neurological development in children
  • Adult mental health support
  • Improvement in concentration and memory
  • Reducing anxiety and depression symptoms


There is ample scientific evidence that effective microorganisms can support neurological health. They can promote neurological development in children, improve mental health in adults, increase focus and memory, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. These effects are officially recognized in Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 on health claims.

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