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Moringa seeds: growing and using made easy

Moringa seeds, also known as horseradish seeds, come from the seed pods of the moringa tree. These seeds are rich in nutrients and can be used in many ways. In this article, you will learn how moringa seeds are grown and used.

Cultivation of Moringa seeds

1. Choice of location: Moringa trees prefer a sunny location and can grow in most soils. However, they prefer soil with good drainage and regular watering.

2. Planting: You can plant moringa seeds directly in the ground or germinate them in pots first. The seeds should be planted about 2 cm deep and covered with soil.

3. Care: It is important to water and fertilize the plants regularly to promote healthy growth. Moringa trees can grow quickly and therefore need regular pruning.

4. Harvest: Moringa seeds can be harvested about 6-7 months after planting, when the seed pods are brown and dry. The seeds can be removed from the capsules and dried before use.

Use of Moringa Seeds

1) Dietary Supplements: Moringa seeds are rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber and antioxidants . They can be stirred into smoothies, muesli or yoghurt as a dietary supplement.

2. Oil Making: Moringa seeds can also be used to make oil. The oil is rich in antioxidants and can be used in skin care products or as a cooking oil.

3. Water purification: Moringa seeds can also be used for water purification. The seeds can be soaked in water to remove dirt and bacteria.


Moringa seeds are a versatile and nutritious food supplement. They can be easily grown and used in a variety of ways. However, it is important to only cite officially recognized health claims and not to make your own health claims.

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